Selected Publications
Journal Articles
* Student author
# Postdoctoral author
Hausrath and 46 others (2023) An Examination of Soil Crusts on the Floor of Jezero crater, Mars JGR Planets
Olsen, A.A., Bodkin, M.A., Hausrath, E.M., 2023. Quantifying early mineral weathering reactions in serpentinite bedrock. Applied Geochemistry 148, 105543.
Wiens and 92 others, including Hausrath (2022) Compositionally and density stratified igneous terrain in Jezero crater, Mars Science Advances DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abo3399
Farley, K.A. and 113 others, including Hausrath (2022) Aqueously altered igneous rocks sampled on the floor of Jezero crater, Mars Science DOI: doi:10.1126/science.abo2196
Anderson, R.B., and 61 others, including Hausrath, E.M. (2022) Post-landing major element quantification using SuperCam laser induced breakdown spectroscopy Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 2022 Vol. 188 Pages 106347 DOI:
*Gainey, S. R., Hausrath, E. M., Hurowitz, J. A. (2022) Thermodynamic and kinetic analysis of transitions in clay mineral chemistry on Mars Icarus 372:114733
#L. M. Cycil, E.M. Hausrath, D. W. Ming, C.T. Adcock, J. Raymond, D. Remias, W. Ruemmele (2021). Investigating the growth of algae under low atmospheric pressures for potential food and oxygen production on Mars. Frontiers in Microbiology DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.733244
*Ralston, S.J., Hausrath, E.M., Tschauner, O., Rampe, E.,
Peretyazhko, T., Christoffersen, R., DeFelice, C., and Lee, H. (2021)
Dissolution rates of Fe-free allophane, Fe-poor allophane and Fe-rich
allophane: Implications for aqueous alteration on Mars and the analysis of
returned martian samples. DOI:
10.1007/s42860-021-00124-x htt
Hausrath, E. M., Ming, D. W., Rampe, E. B., Pereyazhko, T. (2021) Reactive transport modeling of aqueous
alteration in the Murray formation, Gale crater, Mars. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 5 (3): 424-435
Cristina García-Florentino, Leticia Gomez-Nubla , Jennifer
Huidobro, Imanol Torre-Fdez, Patricia Ruíz-Galende , Julene Aramendia, Elisabeth M. Hausrath, Kepa Castro, Gorka
Arana and Juan Manuel Madariaga (2021) Interrelationships in the
gypsum-syngenite-gorgeyite system to describe their possible formation on Mars
Astrobiology 21 (3): 332-344 https://www.
#Phillips-Lander, C.M.°,
#Harrold, Z.° Hausrath, E.M.,
Lanzirotti, A. Newville, M. Adcock, C., Raymond, J., Huang, S., Tschauner, O.,
and Sanchez, A. (2020) Snow algae preferentially grow on Fe-containing minerals
and contribute to the formation of Fe
phases. Geomicrobiology
Christopher Adcock, Daniel
Haber, Pamela Burnley, Russell Malchow, Elisabeth
Hausrath (2019) Modeling Gamma Radiation Exposure Rates Using Geologic
and Remote Sensing Data to Locate Radiogenic Anomalies. Journal of
Environmental Radioactivity 201-209: 106038. https://www.
David Beaty, Victoria Hipkin, Christy Caudill, R. Hansen, Elisabeth Hausrath, Catherine Maggiori, Ryan
McCoubrey, Joseph Parrish, SJ Ralston (2019) Geological Evaluation of the MSRAD
Field Site by a Human Field Party: Implications for Rover-based Exploration
Operations and for the Future Human Exploration of Mars Planetary Space Science
171 34-49 https://www.
Charity M. Phillips-Lander,
Andrew S. Elwood Madden, Elisabeth M.
Hausrath, and Megan Elwood Madden (2019) Aqueous alteration of pyroxene in
sulfate and chloride brines: Implications for post-Noachian aqueous alteration
on Mars Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 257, 336-353. https://www.
Hausrath, E. M. , D. W. Ming, T.
Peretyazhko, and E. B. Rampe (2018) Reactive transport and mass balance
modeling of the Stimson sedimentary formation and altered fracture zones
constrain diagenetic conditions at Gale crater, Mars Earth and Planetary
Science Letters, 491, 1-10
R. Harrold, E. M. Hausrath, A. H. Garcia, A. E. Murray, O.
Tschauner, J. Raymond and S. Huang (2018) Bioavailability of
mineral-bound iron to a snow algae-bacteria co-culture and implications for
albedo-altering snow algae blooms Applied and Environmental Microbiology 84 (7)
T. Adcock, Arya Udry, Elisabeth M. Hausrath, Oliver Tschauner (2018) Craters of
the Moon National Monument basalts as unshocked compositional and weathering
analogs for martian rocks and meteorites. American
Mineralogist ; 103 (4): 502–516.
McCubbin, Brian Phillips, Christopher Adcock, Kimberly Tait, Andrew Steele,
John Vaughn, Marc Fries, Viorel Atudorei, Kathleen Vander Kaaden, and Elisabeth
Hausrath (2018) Discreditation of bobdownsite and the
establishment of criteria for the identification of minerals with essential
monofluorophosphate (PO3F2-) American
Mineralogist 103 (8): 1319-1328
C. L, E. M. Hausrath, C. T. Adcock, S. Huang, #Z. R.
Harrold, and Arya Udry (2018) Effects of organic compounds on dissolution
of the phosphate minerals chlorapatite, whitlockite, merrillite and
fluorapatite: Implications for interpreting past signatures of organic
compounds in rocks, soils and sediments Astrobiology Journal 18 (12) DOI:
Gainey, S.R., Hausrath, E.M., Adcock, C.T., Tschauner, O.,
Hurowitz, J.A., Ehlmann, B.L., Xiao, Y., and Bartlett, C.L. (2017) Clay mineral
formation under oxidized conditions and implications for paleoenvironments and
organic preservation on Mars. Nature Communications, 8(1), 1230.
D., Burnley, P.C., Malchow, R.C., Adcock, C.T., Marsac, K.E., and Hausrath, E.M.
(2017) Modeling background radiation in Southern Nevada, Journal of
Environmental Radioactivity. 171:41-64
K.E., Burnley, P.C., Adcock, C.T., Haber, D.A., Malchow, R.L., and Hausrath, E.M.
(2016) “Modeling background radiation using geochemical data: A case study in
and around Cameron, Arizona.” Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 165,
T. Adcock°, O. Tschauner°, E. M. Hausrath°, A. Udry, S. N. Luo, M. Ren, Y. Cai,
A. Lanzirotti, M. Newville, M. Kunz, and C. Lin (2017) Shock_transformation of whitlockite to
merrillite and the implications for meteoritic phosphate Nature Communications
8: doi:10.1038/ncomms14667 °Equally contributing authors
L.R., Graham, H.V., Des Marais, D.J., Hausrath, E. M., Horgany, B., McCollom, T. M.,
Parenteau, M.N., Potter-McIntyre, S.L., Williams, A. J., and Lynch, K.L. (2017) Biosignature preservation
and detection in Mars analog environments Astrobiology 17: 4 DOI:
M.H., E.M. Hausrath, M.E. Elwood Madden, O. Tschauner,
B.L. Ehmann, A.A. Olsen, S.R. Gainey, and J.S. Smith (2016) Dissolution of nontronite
in chloride brines and implications for the aqueous history of Mars Geochimica
et Cosmochimica Acta 10.1016/j.gca.2016.08.035
J., Bish, D., Coleman, M., Reed, M., Hausrath, E.M., Cosgrove, J., Sanjeev, G.,
Minitti, M.E., Edgett, K. and Malin, M. (2016) Encounters with an unearthly
mudstone: Understanding the first mudstone Found
on Mars. Sedimentology in press
C.T. and Hausrath, E.M., 2015. Weathering profiles in
high-P rocks at Gusev Crater, Mars, suggest dissolution of phosphate minerals into
near-neutral waters Astrobiology, 15(12): 1060-1075
J. L., E. M. Hausrath, A. Olsen, O. Tschauner, *C.T. Adcock,
and R. V. Metcalf (2015). Biogeochemical weathering
of serpentinites: An examination of incipient dissolution affecting serpentine
soil formation, Applied Geochemistry 54: 74-84
T., Thompson, A., Hausrath, E.M., Liermann, L.J. and Brantley,
S.L., (2015), Basalt weathering in an arctic Mars
analog site. Icarus doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2015.03.011.
A., Hausrath, E.M., and J.D. Rimstidt (2015) Forsterite dissolution
rates in Mg-sulfate-rich Mars-analog brines, and implications for the aqueous
history of Mars, JGR Planets 120, doi:10.1002/2014JE004664
E., Elwood Madden, M.E., Madden, A., and Hausrath, E.M. (2015) Assessing hydrodynamic
effects on jarosite dissolution rates, reaction products, and preservation on
Mars, JGR Planets, 120, doi:10.1002/2014JE004779
S.R., Hausrath, E.M., Hurowitz, J. A. and R.E.
Milliken. (2014) Nontronite dissolution
rates and implications for Mars Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 126: 192-211
D.A., L.E. Wright, S.A. Shanahan and E. Hausrath (2014) Fate of selenium in a
small urban watershed Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
V.M., Hausrath, E.M., Tschauner, O., Iota, V. and
Egeland, G.W. (2014) Dissolution rates of
amorphous Al- and Fe-phosphates and their relevance to phosphate mobility on
American Mineralogist 99:1206-1215. This paper was selected by the editors
of American Mineralogist as a “notable paper”.
C.T., Hausrath, E.M., Forster, P.M. and *Sefein, K.J.
(2014) Synthesis and
characterization of the Mars-relevant phosphate minerals Fe/Mg-whitlockite and
merrillite and a proposed mechanism for whitlockite to merrillite
transformation. American Mineralogist 99:1221-1232
Hausrath, E.M. and O. Tschauner
(2013) Natural fumarolic
alteration of fluorapatite, olivine, and basaltic glass, and implications for
habitable environments on Mars Astrobiology 13 (11): 1049-1064
C.T., E.M Hausrath, and P.M. Forster, (2013) Readily available
phosphate from minerals in early aqueous environments on Mars. Nature Geoscience, 6:
824-827. This paper was featured in the News and Views section of
Nature Geoscience (Pasek 2013) and attracted considerable popular press
D.C. Golden, R.V. Morris, D.G. Agresti, and D.W. Ming (2013) Acid sulfate alteration
of fluorapatite, basaltic glass and olivine by hydothermal vapors and fluids: Implications for
fumarolic activity and secondary phosphate phases in sulfate-rich Paso Robles
soil at Gusev Crater, Mars J. Geophys. Res., 118 (1): 1-13
E.M and
Olsen, A.A. (2013) Using the chemical
composition of carbonate rocks on Mars as a record of secondary interaction
with liquid water. American Mineralogist v.98 897- 906 This paper
was selected by the editors of American Mineralogist as a “notable paper”.
S. L., Lebedeva, M., and Hausrath, E. M. (2012)
A geobiological view of weathering and erosion. In: Fundamentals
of Geobiology (eds. A. H. Knoll, D.E. Canfield,
and K. Konhauser) Blackwell Publishing Limited
Navarre-Sitchler, A.K., Sak, P.B., Williams, J.Z. and Brantley, S.L., (2011). Soil profiles as
indicators of mineral weathering rates and organic interactions on a
Pennsylvania diabase Chemical Geology v. 290 p. 89-100
E.M. and
Brantley, S.L. (2010) Basalt and olivine dissolution under cold, salty, and
acidic conditions: What can we learn about
recent aqueous weathering on Mars? J. Geophys. Res., 115(E12): E12001
Neaman, A., Brantley, S.L. (2009) Elemental release rates
from dissolving basalt and granite with and without organic ligands. American Journal of
Science, v. 309, p. 633-660
Treiman, A.H., Vicenzi, E., Bish, D.L., Blake, D., Sarrazin, P., Hoehler, T.,
Midtkandl, I., Steele, A., and Brantley, S.L. (2008) Short- and long-term
olivine weathering in Svalbard: Implications for Mars. Astrobiology, v. 8 (6), p.
Navarre-Sitchler, A.K., Sak, P., Steefel, C. and Brantley, S.L. (2008) Basalt weathering rates
on Earth and the duration of liquid water on the plains of Gusev Crater, Mars. Geology, v. 36, p. 67-70
L.J., Hausrath, E.M., Anbar, A.D. and Brantley, S.L.
(2007) Assimilatory and
dissimilatory processes of microorganisms affecting metals in the environment. J. Anal. At.
Spectrom, v. 22, p. 867 – 877
Liermann, L.J., House, C.H., Ferry, J.G., and Brantley, S.L. (2007) The effect
of methanogen growth on mineral substrates: Will Ni markers of
methanogen-based communities be detectable in the rock record? Geobiology, v. 5, p.
Book Chapters and Reports
* Student author
# Postdoctoral author
International MSR Objectives
and Samples Team (iMOST)D. W. Beaty and 71 others including Hausrath (2018
draft)The Potential Science and Engineering Value of Samples Delivered to Earth
by Mars Sample Return. Report requested by the International Mars Exploration
Working Group (IMEWG)
Brantley, S. L., Lebedeva,
M., and Hausrath, E. M. (2012) A geobiological
view of weathering and erosion. In: Fundamentals
of Geobiology (eds. A. H. Knoll, D.E. Canfield, and K. Konhauser)
Blackwell Publishing Limited, 2012
Bandstra J.Z., Buss H.L.,
Campen R.K., Liermann L.J., Moore J., Hausrath E.M., Navarre-Sitchler A.K., Jang
J-H. and Brantley S.L. Appendix: Compilation of Mineral Dissolution
Rates. In Kinetics of Water-Rock Interaction (eds.
S. L. Brantley, J. D. Kubicki and A. F. White). Springer, New York.